Human Rights

Mining coupled with human rights

We must pay close attention to the issue of human rights and incorporate it into the company’s strategic management to integrate its operations into an ever-changing society.

In line with this mindset, we are committed to acting in our industry following the best human rights practices and being a catalyst for the development of the communities where we operate.

Since 2017, we have been a signatory of the Global Compact, an Initiative of the United Nations, which aims to mobilize the business community around the world to adopt ten principles that represent fundamental values of human rights, labor relations, the environment and the fight against corruption. 

This is just one of several moves that we at Nexa are making to further advance the ESG agenda.

For a socially responsible mining

We seek an increasingly socially responsible mining. Therefore, we work to ensure compliance with national and international human rights practices within the company, in community relations and in the supply chain.

Among our initiatives to support this objective, we work daily with employees and third parties to ensure that Nexa’s values are implemented. We are focused on motivating a behavior consistent with our Code of Conduct and with the key principles of the compliance program, particularly in relation to topics such as the environment, human rights and labor issues, health and safety, and fighting bribery and corruption.

Nexa’s Code of Conduct, which has received important updates on our anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist and antitrust policies – all based on the laws in force in the countries where we operate – is shared with all the Company’s employees and suppliers, reflecting our commitment with the principles of integrity, ethics, human rights and social and environmental responsibilities. 

It is worth highlighting that the responsibility for promoting, implementing and oversighting the application of disciplinary measures rests with our conduct committee.

Learn more about our 2021 Code of Conduct

Our Management

Relationship with our communities

Our communication with communities is essential for us to act proactively in the face of its challenges. We have several communication channels where we operate, such as the website, emails, telephones, physical boxes for paper records, face-to-face service by the social management team, among others. By these means any person – whether internal or external audience – can register queries, reports and complaints.

Interactions are recorded and monitored by controls and management mechanisms, with a commitment to be forwarded to all consulting parties with the proper feedback.

Indigenous People

We respect and comply with the requirements of ILO 169, with queries and actions to guarantee free, prior and informed consent in locations where indigenous peoples exist, in accordance with international conventions and legislation in force in each country. It is also worth highlighting that we have formal social investment agreements in Peru agreed with local communities in such territories and validated by community representative institutions, as recommended by Peruvian legislation for collective lands of farming communities. campesinas.

Conflicts and Human Rights

All Nexa’s operations are in conflict-free territories according to the criteria of the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict – Affected and High-Risk Areas.

Bearing in mind the best practices and responsibility towards our communities, we have Social Golden Rules and Due Diligence processes, the latter with the purpose of identifying and previously collecting information for the beginning of a business relationship and to assess and classify Integrity Risks for Nexa in every relationship.

Learn more about our Relationship with Suppliers

Our performance

We support our employees in the development of technical, behavioral and management skills so that they can grow and perform even better. For this purpose, we carry out specific training on policies and procedures related to Human Rights.

Our aspiration

Our aspiration is to ensure compliance with international and national Human Rights practices within NEXA, in community relationships and in the supply chain, seeking an increasingly socially responsible mining.

Check our indicators

Employee training on human rights policies or procedures
Correlated indicators
GRI Dimension:
GRI Code:


Employee Training on Human Rights Policies or Procedures 
2019 2020 2021
Number of employees who received training on the theme
1.186 1.771 1.915
Percentage of employees trained in the subject 20% 32% 32%
Workload dedicated to human rights training 3.596 2.781 2.058

Our contribution to the SDGs

SDGs related to the topic:


In 2017, we also signed a commitment to the global agenda consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030.

SDGs related to the topic

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Education and Development

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Social License to Operate

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Local Development

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